Quick Bath Wipes, Cat 10 ct

Quick Bath Wipes, Cat 10 ctAfter coming home from college, I realized that I was allergic to our cats. Not wanting to keep them outside all the time, I found these wipes claiming to get rid of the dander that causes allergies. I combed them for a while first (these cats apparently don't enjoy cleaning themselves and so are very dirty) and afterwards wiped them down with these wipes. They enjoyed it and it really helped with my allergies. I would highly recommend them to anyone with mild allergies to cats who still want to be around them.

I bought this product to use on my elderly cat who no longer grooms herself as thoroughly as she once did. Rubbing her down with this wipe and then brushing her does wonders for her coat, which has to be good for her health. I'm very pleased with the results and, despite her protests , I think she is, too.

Buy Quick Bath Wipes, Cat 10 ct Now

My cat is very clean but for some reason she recently acquired a pretty strong unpleasant pet smell. Not wanting to go through the pain of bathing a cat, I purchased these. Initially kitty was not so sure about it but after a while I realized she was really enjoying the "bath". She started purring and rolling around, which is great but I personally did not care much for the smell of the wipes. However, it certainly beats my cats previous odor. Lets say she went from smelling awful to smelling a little weird. I'll take weird any day of the week, you can count on that.

Overall it is clearly a high quality product, well packaged and it does the job. I am also looking forward to checking if it reduces the level or allergens around those with allergies it will be great if it does.

If I had liked the smell I would have given it five stars.

Read Best Reviews of Quick Bath Wipes, Cat 10 ct Here

These quick wipes for cats is great. My 4 year old cat didn't mind it one bit, let me wipe her down real good, then I dried her off a bit, and then, thankfully, she cleaned herself off! I recommend this product; use two, one in each hand.

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Quick Bath Wipes, Cat 10 ct

These cat bath wipes are super for giving kitty a bath. My cat, as most cats, doesn't like getting in the water! So these are the perfect answer to a quick cleansing. I've tried other similar products, but these are the best; they stay perfectly moist until the last one in the package.


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