WITH CAUTION THOUGH. Be sure to use the amount of bio-spira for the number of gallons you need. It does work but TRUST ME when i tell you that using a bottle thats good for 50 gallons in say a 75 gallon tank will not get you the true cycle you want. Although this works it is not instant. A week or 2 is still required. If you are adding true live rock (rock purchased locally with minimal time out of the water less than an hour or so) you might still see spikes after 2 weeks and thats not good. My suggestion with this stuff is to put dry base rock and some very small "true live rock" to seed the coraline. I do believe in this product and think that if you are setting up a fish only tank this is one of the best ways to get it started quickly and safely.

great !
poured it into my 22ish gal tank and so far fish is ok.
first i cycled my new tank a least 1 mo before i poured this in. used this just to be sure.
Buy Instant Ocean 77963 IO BIO-Spira (Marine), 3.38-Ounce, 100-ml Now
My package arrived on time one thing they do not say is that the 100ml is only enough for 30gal besides no down sides so far
Read Best Reviews of Instant Ocean 77963 IO BIO-Spira (Marine), 3.38-Ounce, 100-ml Here
I have been using this product for over three weeks now, maybe a month, and my nitrate levels went from 70 ppm to five and still going down. Amazing product.
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