These little fish are just a blast; my husband has a small aquarium but didn't want real fish in it. I got him these fish for Christmas and everyone just loves them! One had a mis-shapen tail and didn't move well, so we got rid of it. But the rest bob up and down and move with the water. Very, very entertaining!

I got these fish for a disabled friend, who cannot care for a live one. I thought that they would be weighted differently, so that they would float at different levels. In the tank with the air bubbles, or still water, they stuck together on the top like a wet blanket. These would be suitable for the mind of a 2-year-old, but he would surely choke on the cheap plastic. No use for anybody, young or old. RIP OFF!!
Buy Como Aquarium Artificial Movable Tail Swimming Fish 5 Pcs Now
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