This ornament has been in use for a few months now. I has shown no signs of wear or fading. It was a great addition to my 55 gallon goldfish aquarium

I sort of figured that the quality of this item was only going to be mediocre because other companies were selling this for 3-4 times the price. It is marked hand painted, but I think it must have been a toddler who painted it. The lines that would guide the "painters" that are embedded into the actual vase are very clear, but the paint itself looks like it was just slapped on, and doesn't come anywhere near being in the lines. I have even considered for aesthetic purposes buying an aquarium safe paint set in similar colors so I can redo it myself it is that bad. The only up side is that my fish really loves the multiple holes to swim in and out of. My advice, if you care how the item looks, spend a little extra and buy the more expensive one. May sound like a harsh review, but for someone who likes to actually look in their fish tank, it really takes away from the whole aquarium scene, and distracts me from looking at my beautiful fish because it stands out so much. Wish I would've spent a little more myself...may still do that, depending on the cost of the paint it may be cheaper. Either way, it won't be staying in the tank as it is.
Buy Exotic Environments Oriental Vase Aquarium Ornament Now
this vase is pretty big. it sits in our 55 gal tank and takes up a whole area. most of our fish hide in it and love it
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