Buy Python No Spill Fish Tank Flow Switch Now
Cheap brittle plastic makes these components very fragile so as long as you're careful not to drop them on hard surfaces or apply to much pressure to the joints, you'll be fine.Read Best Reviews of Python No Spill Fish Tank Flow Switch Here
The unit would not shut off water completely when in closed position. It is totally useless. I may either try to put in a washer to totally seal the valve, or purchase another one hoping the first one is defective.Want Python No Spill Fish Tank Flow Switch Discount?
When I first bought my python water changer I was very happy with it. But after the second fitting in the sink attachment broke it got expensive. I looked up this problem and only wish I had read the other reviews more carefully. It's fragile and so on the second replacement I always kept a loop of hose on the sink to ease the strain on the weak part. Still it broke. You have to buy the whole faucet unit each time so 90% of the good parts are trashed in the end with the essential piece. Currently I am working on making a homemade version from instructions on the net. All told it's a decent concept with one piece turning it into a disposable, expensive and wasteful product.I have also noticed that two other companies are using similar units in their products. So use caution.
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