In the product description, it notes that the pieces that you get are not the exact same ones as the picture; this is definitely true. The slate pieces are gorgeous, but it's hard to make the cave in the picture because the pieces that are shipped are so variable.

Still makes a nice little cave, but "little" is the operative word. If you have a 45 gallon or smaller, then this is the way to go, but I had to buy 2 of these for my 125 just to fit one of my smallest Cichlids.
Buy 10 PC Aquarium Natural Rock Cave Aquarium Aquascape DIY Kit, Aquarium Safe, All Natural Stone, Orga Now
We had several kits of these and several heavier more intense rocks for our bigger fish in our 125 gallon tank and they worked wonders! our oscars loved them and they were fabulous! well now it is years later we have sence gotten rid of our huge tank and have a little 10 gallon with a juvenile jack dempsey cichlid named russell crowe and he loves them! i change up the formattions every now and then and he loves it!! these not only have passed the fish test but the test of time ours have lasted close to ten years now they are perfect! great product and they look great in the tank :)
Read Best Reviews of 10 PC Aquarium Natural Rock Cave Aquarium Aquascape DIY Kit, Aquarium Safe, All Natural Stone, Orga Here
We ordered two kits to have enough slates and this turned out to be a good idea for our 15 gallon tank. The rocks came fast and very nicely packaged. Just in case you are a beginner (like us), the rocks will arrive loose and you will have to put them together to create your own cave, which is fun. We decided to keep our creation "loose", but you can opt to use aquarium glue to keep the rocks together more permanently. The cave, or whatever creation you decide to make with the slates, will give a wonderful natural look to your tank. If you do not like the plastic decor castles and caves that they sell, then this product is what you need. Please do not get intimidated, it is very easy to make your own cave and you can get inspiration from the many beautiful designs that people have posted online, just remember to count how many slates there are and order accordingly. We have had our slate cave for almost a year now. It has never caused any problem with the water (in fact we suspect it contributes to its good quality) and our fish love it! We have a Betta, glow zebrafish, neon tetras, otocincus catfish, ghost and cherry shrimps and they are all fine with these stones.
Want 10 PC Aquarium Natural Rock Cave Aquarium Aquascape DIY Kit, Aquarium Safe, All Natural Stone, Orga Discount?
I love the look of these in a tank! I tried them out in a smaller tank, but they wouldn't fit the shape, so I will use these later when I get a bigger tank.
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