I've had two aquariums for several years -a 40 gallon Marineland Eclipse 3 and a regular 10 gallon Tetra -and I wanted to upgrade the 10 gallon to a slightly larger tank, and so I purchased the Aqueon 16 Bow Front Deluxe Aquarium Kit Black. Previously, I had kept my 10 gallon on a dresser, but I really wanted an attractive-looking stand for my new aquarium kit. The Aquatic 16 Upright Aquarium Stand was a reasonable price, had clean and simple lines, and appeared unobtrusive, so I decided to take a chance on this product. The stand arrived in a very timely manner -shipping was good. All the pieces were intact and without scratches or marring. This stand was easy to assemble (my 13-year-old son put it together for me), all the parts fit together, and we weren't left with any mystery parts! There is a slight gap at the sides of the door, which can be seen in Amazon's picture. My Aqueon Bow Front fits perfectly on this stand -it's just the right size for a 16 gallon aquarium. My only complaint is that the inside of the stand is completely empty space -there are no shelves. Therefore, it's wasted space. Yes, you can put your power strip and air machine at the bottom inside the stand, but this product would be so much nicer if it had even just one shelf on the inside, for storage purposes. I can recommend this aquarium stand as a solid, basic stand, that doesn't try and be fancy; one's attention goes to the fish aquarium, not the stand that's holding it. We haven't had the stand for very long, so as far as durability goes, I will update this review if we experience any problems with stability or structure.
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