API Bio-Chem Zorb Filter Media Pouch

API Bio-Chem Zorb Filter Media Pouch Size 6I have been using Bio-zorb for many years and always thought it was a great product. I moved to upstate New York from the metropolitan area several years ago. Its quit rural and stores are not so conveniently near like they are in the city,and many products you take for granted are not that readily available.I must've had the same Biozorb pillow in my old Ehiem filter for a year. Everytime I cleaned the filter,I'd just leave it in and add another carbon type media. The other day,I did a major tank cleaning and came to the conclusion that my filter WASN'T! (filtering, that is.) Googled Biozorb and bought it through Amazon. I'm not getting paid for this endorsement-the quality of my water changed OVERNIGHT! Crystal clear,debri gone,fish-happy. I cannot overstate how fantastic this product is.If you have a fishtank,if you love aqaurium fish,if you love and CARE about your fish,salt water or fresh-YOU NEED THIS PRODUCT!

I have a 75 gallon fresh water tank running two Fluval 405 cannisters with oscars, dempsies, and parrots and the water was getting dirty quick. My tank was getting a reddish-rusty color very quickly after cleanings and water changes. I was recommended this media by a guy at a big aquarium shop and it worked great. I run one pouch in each filter in the middle media tray and it keeps my water crystal clear for months. Now I only have to do a full cleaning about every 8-10 weeks. It also eliminated the 'fish' smell completely. I change the filters about every 3 cleanings so about every 6 months. They could probably go longer but I try not to push my media to far.

It's a bit pricey, hence the 4 stars, but worth it in my opinion.

I recommend this product.

Buy API Bio-Chem Zorb Filter Media Pouch Now

I have an bio-chem filter and was expecting this to be one of the square filters but it is just a bag. I am using it anyway but wonder about how effective it is. Unfortunately the description did not say what shape it was and the filter instructions did not tell me there was a difference .

Read Best Reviews of API Bio-Chem Zorb Filter Media Pouch Here

Setting up a saltwater tank was a real pain but this product makes it much easier with just a change of a pouch and the API filter has not let us down and continues to exceed expectations. buying the pouches is not without its own mess but is much cleaner and easier to use than separate filter media, plus you don't have to worry about the filter media making it to the pump or into your tank. A real must have on a project that is as much of a chore as this has been. One of the few areas of good luck has been the API products. This one is must have! It lasts longer than advertised and only takes a few minutes to change out.

Least painful of all maintenance items for our tank...definitely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Want API Bio-Chem Zorb Filter Media Pouch Discount?

Only 1 pouch per bag and so far seems to be working just fine in my Filstar XP L, filtering my 120 gallon tank.

Save 31% Off


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