Action Air® Diver with Hose Live-Action Aerating Aquarium Ornament - Color May Very

Action AirĀ® Diver with Hose Live-Action Aerating Aquarium Ornament - Color May Veryit takes too much air pressure to operate it,and this small pump cant handle alsso has no action at all.

I have always wanted a diver in my tank so i picked up tihs guy. I have been struggling on how to make him work right. he only floats at the top of the tank unless i keep him at the bottom with rocks/plants. I have tried different pumps and different pressures, different line configurations nothing seems to work. Looks good in there even though he just bubbles

Buy Action Air® Diver with Hose Live-Action Aerating Aquarium Ornament - Color May Very Now

not something you would find in our local store thats why i bought this. it looks really great in our tank. love this.

Read Best Reviews of Action Air® Diver with Hose Live-Action Aerating Aquarium Ornament - Color May Very Here

This is a cute ornament, but the one that I received was white, not the red that is advertised. Seller should make sure they advertise the correct color.

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its nice ,for my little aquarium,looks good ,but the color is wrong,its showing a red color but came in white.still workes great


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