Kordon/Oasis (Novalek) AKD37344 Methylene for Aquarium, 4-Ounce, Blue

Kordon/Oasis AKD37344 Methylene for Aquarium, 4-Ounce, BlueI used this as a remedy for a recurring candida flare up in my eye (swollen, itchy, red), and there was a huge obvious improvement overnight. If you are researching this aliment and considering this as a possible remedy, i absolutely recommend it. I've done tons if research and tried quite a few natural treatments, but this is the first thing to dramatically give me results that stuck.

For candida treatment: use a medicine dropper to add 2-4 drops maximum to a gallon of distilled water. Best to buy a trusted brand from the store and just drop them in that. Drink 8fl oz (1 cup) every 4-6 hours, depending on the severity of your situation. I recommend drinking 1 cup before bed the first time and seeing how your body seems in the morning.

IMPORTANT! take 500-1000mg of vitamin c each time u drink this. That will prevent any blue coloring side effects. Please search the web for these side effects. I did not experience any issues at all, because i was very cautious in both my knowledge and my dosing.

ALSO: take a multi strain acidophilus probiotic 2 hours after each dose. (Bifidus and lactobacilli -sp?are important parts so make sure it contains these. Yogurt is not enough and its next to impossible to find one with no sugar). Make sure the capsules are coated so they dissolve in your intestines instead if your stomach. MB is a very powerful antimicrobial that will kill all fungus and bacteria in your body, including the beneficial Flora u need in your gut to prevent the toxins from returning. Make sure u continue taking probiotics for at least 2 weeks after u stop the MB, so your natural balance is restored.

I hope this information helps people out there that are like i was a few months ago. Please do not hesitate to ask any question you might have. As i said, I've done lots of research on candida albicans and would be more than happy to share my findings.

In fishkeeping this is a trued and true to keep on hand for various disease problems... and becoming difficult to find. Especially the big box chain pet stores, all they want to stock are these really expensive tablets of a mix of stuff you don't need; and the quantity of water you can treat with what you get, is too small. Glad to find it still being made as a separate item. Glad to find it in stock.

It is used as a treatment for fungal infections. It can also be effective in treating fish infected with ich, the parasitic protozoa Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. It is usually used to protect newly laid fish eggs from being infected by fungus or bacteria. This is useful when the hobbyist wants to artificially hatch the fish eggs. Methylene Blue is also very effective when used as part of a "medicated fish bath" for treatment of ammonia, nitrite, and cyanide poisoning as well as for topical and internal treatment of injured or sick fish as a "first response" (as a side note it will stain aquarium tubing, airstones, and tank silicone blue, and kill off your biological filter!)

Buy Kordon/Oasis (Novalek) AKD37344 Methylene for Aquarium, 4-Ounce, Blue Now

Methylene Blue is recommended for keeping fish eggs from developing fungus. My daughter is using it for angel fish eggs and it works great.

Read Best Reviews of Kordon/Oasis (Novalek) AKD37344 Methylene for Aquarium, 4-Ounce, Blue Here

I diluted it and used it for my microscope staining. Worked good and does the job I am very satisfied.Thank you.

Want Kordon/Oasis (Novalek) AKD37344 Methylene for Aquarium, 4-Ounce, Blue Discount?

I use this for a bath for new additions to the tank. They get a five minute bath, then acclimate. The bottle I received a bottle well packed and sealed with tape. I received it quickly as well. The bottle was fresh and with a long expiration date. It came in the new packaging. A few drops in the bag, and bye bye nasty. Great for highlighting Ick on a fish that it is hard to see.


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