It's a nice little filter, works well with low flow. I have it in a betta tank and it gets the water circulated without pushing the betta around. The reason I gave it 4 stars is because I wish there were more options for filter cartridges. Once a tank is cycled, you shouldn't remove or replace the filter media or you will cause the tank to cycle again, which can kill fish. This filter only has cartridges that have a teensy bio sponge, then a compartment for carbon, and another compartment for ammonia absorbing media. Once a tank is cycled, there's no need for carbon or ammonia absoribing media, and these two things stop working after a week or two and need to be replaced anyway. To solve this problem, I took some cut-to-fit filter floss and used fishing line to "sew" it into a pillow the same size as the cartridge, then stuffed it with bio beads and sewed it closed. It fits into the filter and doesn't obstruct the flow and I can use it for years with nothing more than a swish in a bucket of conditioned water.

I installed this filter yesterday afternoon in my 2 gallon betta tank with a brand new fish. This unit is easy to install, disassemble and clean. It is so small that it should fit easily in any size aquarium that has at least one flat side. It appears to be working great so far. It is powerful, but gentle and nearly silent. I placed a weighted silk plant in front of the intake to break up the current just a bit. My new betta (Wavy) is quite small (
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