I am into planted tanks, which require more intense lighting. I use compact flourescents. As a result, a glass cover is necessary, to allow as much light in as possible. Also, in this northern climate, it is required to retain heat, reduce evaporation, and prevent hatchet fish from jumping to their doom on the floor.
Perfecto/Marineland's "glass canopies" are great. I have several.
Heads up though, on compatibility.
In my local area, aquariums (aquaria) are avaialbe from two manufacturers -"All Glass" and "Perfecto (Marineland)." I had both and both seem fine. One problem is that the glass covers each makes are not compatible with the other's aquariums (glass boxes)! I learned this the hard way, and so hope to spare you the trouble.
Another issue here is that the big box pet stores (and others?) often rebrand or cover up the true manufacturer (either "All Glass" or "Perfecto-Marineland") with their own store brand! But one can tell by carefully examining inspection labels, or label on the plastic light hoods they are kitted with.
If you buy an "All Glass" brand glass cover it won't fit a "Perfecto-Marineland" aquarium, and vice versa -even though the two aquariums are both standard dimensions for the glass box (i.e., "55 gallon; 20 gallon long; etc.)
If you have an "All Glass" (including rebranded) be sure to get an "All Glass" "Versa-Top" glass cover.
If you have a "Perfecto-Marineland" aquarium (including rebranded) be sure to get a Perfecto or Marineland "Glass Canopy."
Surprisingly, most pet and fish shop employess were unaware of this issue. and most stores only carry one type and not the other!
Note: this "48 x 13 in." "Marineland-Perfecto glass canopy" fits my Marineland-Perfecto manufactured 55 gallon standard tank, and is made up of two units, each with actual measurements of 23" x 9.5" including the black plastic hinge between but not including the plastic filler attachment.This glass aquarium cover comes in two seperate sections. One for the left half of the tank, and one for the right half of the tank. I have a 60-gallon Marineland aquarium that has a support bar running down the middle of the tank's top. It fits excellently. There are two plastic self-adhesive handles that you can put on each section to lift up one part of the "hinged" glass sections for easy access into your tank. There are no actual hinges but a piece of flexible plastic makes the mechanic possible. The instructions say to let the handle adhere to the surface for twelve hours before using the handle. Also included is a plastic sheet for each section that attaches on to the back edge of the glass so you can cut out sections of it for equipment that needs to get through the cover.
Buy Perfecto Glass Canopy 48 Inch Now
I bought this brand because it was cheaper than the All Glass. It's fine except it needs a center support as it comes in 2 piecesI have a 55G aqueon brand aquarium from petco and wanted to have a planted tank setup. Since the tank kits that usually come with lights and a plastic canopy dont have the best light illumination I decided to get a glass cover. I wasn't sure if this canopy would fit but I decided to give it a try. So far it was a good buy. I gave it 4 stars only because the plastic strip that you slide in on one of the covers sides was a but of a pain to install. Other than that evaporation has been minimal compared to the plastic kit canopies. I dont have to re-fill the tank with water every few days. And the lights with added reflectors allow the entire aquarium to be lit and not just the center like the cheap plastic canopies. If planted tanks and evaporation prevention are your aim for a tank get a glass canopy.This fits perfectly on my Aqueon 55 gallon tank. It was easy to get the filter and such to fit.
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