I purchased 10 bottles which ended up costing about half of what it costs at the nation's largest retailer.
I have a 55 gallon turtle tank with a Fluval 406 filterHello,
I was using Seachem Neutral Regulator (NR) to bring my pH of 8.4 down to something closer to 7.0. I had added an incorrect amount of alkaline buffer to bring up a crashing 20 gallon freshwater aquarium and shot my pH up to 8.4. Doing water changes did very little to reduce the pH has my GH and KH were very high. Seachem NR precipitates calcium and magnesium to help soften the water and also buffers the pH. In doing so, the aquarium water will turn cloudy from all the calcium being precipitated out. I do not have a water polishing filter pad to remove the very fine particles of calcium. I purchased the AP Crystal Clear product in hopes that it would allow the particles of calcium to clump into larger particles that my filter could handle.
I am happy to report that after 12 hours my water as just about cleared up and I do not see much of the calcium particles in the water. My HOB pre-filter sponge has captured a good amount of the calcium after adding the AP Crystal Clear as well as the main foam filter.
The product worked well for me and I am happy with it.Of all the tank water clearers I have used, I have found this one works the best. However make sure you read the directions. You see it tells you to use one drop per gallon but, to use two drops per gallon if the water is very cloudy. I have found using more than one drop per gallon works better without any effects on my fish, crab, pleco, frogs or snails (although the snails do close up when the drops are near them.) All in all, I buy this every few weeks to use along side weekly cleanings for my 20 gallon tank.I've tried this product not only on my tank but on friends' tanks as well. All this does is...NOTHING. After using this product I see a red tint on my filters but hey! my water is still cloudy. Don't waste your time or money!
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