Zoo Med Floating Betta Exercise Mirror

Zoo Med Floating Betta Exercise MirrorI would NOT recommend this for your betta fish. I put my betta fish in with the mirror and he tore up his back fins against the egg of the mirror. It has sharp edges! I don't know why no one has mentioned this but I had to return all three which I bought to the pet store because I tried it out with my poor fish and now he's having to grow back his fins. Please avoid this product until they address this serious issue. We buy the fish for their fins not so see them destroyed!

This is not excercise. This is a terribly stressed-out fishy who thinks he's being threatened and needs to defend himself.

Buy Zoo Med Floating Betta Exercise Mirror Now

Wow, I never thought of this before! They should make something with this same principle for our own kids. Maybe I'll get a little talking robot that verbally abuses my child and induces his natural fighting habits. That'll give him some great exercise.

This "toy" is the equivalent of having someone break into your house, from your betta's point of view. Your betta will go nuts. You'll think it's funny. Maybe you'll leave it in his bowl for much too long.

If you're a loving betta owner, ready and willing to spend the extra money for the health and happiness of your fun loving fishy friend, don't spend it on something pointless and harmful. Instead, buy your betta buddy a bigger tank or a heater. Live plants will naturally clean the water and provide hiding places. Zoo med sells those little leaf hammocks for your betta to rest on (even I gave in, and my betta loves it!). You are a good intentioned fairy-fishmother for being so thoughtful, but do your research before you bestow harm upon your betta instead!

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i gave this to my fish and left for five min. when i came back my beautiful halfmoon had short fins! if you've already wasted money on this item it is safer if you just tape it on the outside of the aquarium.

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Don't buy this, the "mirror" washes off within a few days leaving you with just a clear plastic floating disk attached to a ball. Now, whatever they made the mirror out of was circulating throughout my tank and I had to do a water change. Don't buy this.

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