As soon as I saw the damage, I checked water conditions immediately and all was well no ammonia, pH normal, etc., etc. Rather than take a chance, I thought it best to treat for fin rot as that area just seemed like a strange place for a bite or nip. I decided to try Melafix first before anything more drastic. The instructions said treat for 7 days then do a 25% water change. The guys get a regular partial weekly water change anyway, so I did a partial water change, treated for 7 days and did another partial water change right on schedule.
The instructions say to repeat treatment if necessary; however, I decided to not re-treat as the damage seemed to be getting much better. Today is day 9 with no additional treatment and my sweet little fishie looks great! Not quite 100% but real close I'd say right around 98% cured. If I didn't know the damage was there, I couldn't tell the difference. Since I knew about it, obviously I was aware of what to look for, but right now he looks very, very good.
Since the only change made was the addition of the Melafix, I'd have to say that solved the problem.
Buy API Melafix Antibacterial Fish Remedy Now
I was skeptical when I bought this product and Pimafix when we noticed that our Glofish and Black Moors were sick. (They were that way when we bought them) It quickly helped regrow the fins that fin rot had taken from the Black Moors. We used it in conjunction with Pimafix and it worked great. It was also a great help when we accidently put a Puffer Fish in the tank with them. The Puffer tries to eat the Black Moors and tore up the fins and left gashes in one of them. After removing the Puffer Fish and rehoming him, we started treatment of Melafix and Pimafix. The tails and fins on our fish quickly started growing back and now we have two happy Black Moors swimming around in our tank. This is a great product that treats open red sores, fin and tail rot, eye cloud, pop eye, body slime and mouth fungus, and open body wounds. Myself and my fish highly recommend this product.Read Best Reviews of API Melafix Antibacterial Fish Remedy Here
Melafix and Pimafix are two of the flagship products by fish care giant API(aquarium Pharmaceuticals Inc) A homeopathic anti-bacterial treatment that works wonders in fresh, brackish and salt water aquariums. Unlike medications which are in essence chemicals Melafix uses a soluble extract called "Melaleuca"Melaleuca is derived from Tea trees and is extraordinarily effective in treating and curing a multitude of problems including:
* Frayed Fins
* Fin and Tail Rot
* Cloudy Eye
* Pop Eye
* Body Fungus
* Slime Coat Deterioration
The typical treatment for any of the above is a daily dose of 5 ml per 10 gallons of water for seven days. Usually you'll see significant improvement within 48 hours it's that fast and that effective.Melafix can also be used when quarantining new fish and adding post quarantine fish into your community tanks.It's important to remember to remove activated charcoal during treatment.
Melafix can foam slightly but will never cloud your water or change your parameters.It's a safe, gentle highly effective product that I've depended on for decades. After 40 years of keeping fish Melafix is one of those products I highly recommend to anyone, novice to expert.This is something that all fish owners need to keep on hand. I had a goldfish that got really BAD fin rot, another one of my fish wouldn't stop picking on him and so his fins started to rot from his wounds. It got so bad that he hardly had any fins left! Then 2 years later, the poor guy got stuck in the pump because he was sick and couldn't free himself. The pump damaged his fins pretty badly. Both times this stuff healed him up perfectly, and his fins grew back entirely. They are as full and beautiful as ever before. Just follow the instructions on the bottle and there's no reason why it shouldn't work!
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