I have been looking EVERYWHERE for this catnip spray since I found a bottle of it at a local dollar store. This has to be the BEST catnip product of all time. When I spray it on my cats' toys they go totally nuts! Toys they haven't played with in years, ok months, are drooled & fought over. While I wish I were still paying a buck a bottle for it, its worth every penny just to find it. Can't wait to see them Christmas morning when they find it in their stockings.

I will come straight out and say that kookamunga will be the most entertaining cat purchase you ever make. A few sprays of this turns my tiger stripped kitten into a tinier version of a NFL linebacker in the midst of a 'roid rage freak out. Give this to your cat and, in most cases, you will be in for an enthralling display of daring acrobatics and leaps of unbelievable heights. If you have two cats be warned, your cats will play fight extremely rough while hopped up on this stuff.
Buy Eight in One Products M6104 Kookamunga Catnip Spray 4oz Now
Either Bengal cats don't care for this spray, I received a stale bottle, or it's just not a good product. Not one of my three cats is at all interested in this spray. Disappointed but it was worth a shot.
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I sprayed it and my cats were somewhat interested in it but the interest wore off very quickly and I havent used it again since
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This is garbage. My cat just ignores the scent and goes to sleep. I spray it all around her and all she doest is sniff it then walk away. Get the real stuff, not a liquid spray. I saw they also had catnip bubbles that you blow in your cat's face. LOL how ridiculous!
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