As far as the gravel goes, it is a nice product (good quality, color, etc). However, I've never weighed a pound of gravel before, so wasn't sure how much I was getting. I only have a small 6 gallon aquarium, so I knew I wouldn't need much, but boy was I in for a surprise. 1 lb of this is about 1.5 fists full for me.... just in case any shoppers out there aren't sure what to expect. I got 3 bags of this... which was no-where near enough. On top of that, the price (which seemed great at the time) is way over what is reasonable for the product. I wound up going to my local PetSmart to get more gravel and found the same brand in a 5 lb bag for only $1 more than I paid here for a single bag. Needless to say not a great experience. Some of you readers may think that it is my fault for not knowing how much 1 pound of gravel is. Well... sure. I wasn't prepared in that regard. However, the price is way out of line with the going price for gravel. I'm not sure why its so expensive here, when pet stores tend to be far more costly than what I find on Amazon. However, look at your local stores first before clicking "place order".

Gravel is gravel! Great for my betta bowl; def a bit on the smaller side (there isn't a lot in the bag), but it's only a pound. You could err on the side of getting two if having a good amount of substrate is important to you. Since this was just for my haunted fishbowl (so just seasonal; will just have it in my bowl for a month), I'm happy with it since I'll be putting my betta's old substrate back in after the holidays. If this was my permanent substrate though, I'd def err on the side of getting 2-3 bags for a 1-2 gallon bowl. : D
Buy Marina Decorative Gravel - 1 lbs Now
Great, quality product. I have a 5 gallon octagon tank and only bought 1 bag of this gravel, not nearly enough. I think you should get 1 bag per gallon. Holds it's color well too. Definately recommend.
Read Best Reviews of Marina Decorative Gravel - 1 lbs Here
Dirty when I bought. Turned to powdery crap after cleaning the tank a few times. I would never buy anything of this brand again
Want Marina Decorative Gravel - 1 lbs Discount?
The rocks came very fast, that's the only good part. After i washed the rocks and put them in my fish tank, it started to lose color in a week. Not safe for the fishes and just waste of money.. Just go to pet store
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