I bought this product and it was delivered with speed to my house, however the cheap plastic tabs that hold the front of it together broke apart as i was setting it up.... WITH NO EFFORT! not really pleased about this.

I do not understand the negative reviews unless the others were damaged in shipment. Mine was perfect but in all fairness, It was wrapped in bubble wrap like Tutankhamen and put in a large box with lots of peanuts. This is the original hood that comes with this tank and stand set. I had to order it because the shop had no hood with my tank and stand causing it to marked down to 99 bucks from 250. The light is nice and bright. Brighter than incandescent bulbs by far and wide. It is not as nice as the glass hoods but that is an upgrade. It fits the tank like a glove.
Buy Deluxe Bow Fluorescent Full Aquarium Hood, 36 Gal Black Now
I had the same experience as the other reviewer, Xavier. The cheap plastic clips that hold the front hinged hood broke off with little effort.
Read Best Reviews of Deluxe Bow Fluorescent Full Aquarium Hood, 36 Gal Black Here
Searched the local "big box" pet stores & couldn't find a hood for my bow front aquarium. Looked on Amazon & there it was & at a GOOD price. The hood lives up to all my expectations and I recieved in just a few days, even with Amazon's free shipping.
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Just love it. I took my time in putting it together and it looks great. The first one I had , I was in hurry putting it together and one of the side pins broke.
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