Aquarium Pharmaceuticals BettaFix Remedy 1.7 oz

Aquarium Pharmaceuticals BettaFix Remedy 1.7 ozBettafix is a nice little remedy to keep for your bettas. It has dosing instructions for the small bowls commonly sold for betta housing (though I wouldn't recommend them.) It's not as powerful as Melafix, but the up-side to this is that it's harder for the fish to overdose on. I wouldn't recommend relying solely on this medication to treat fish illness, but use it as a supplement if you have a seriously ill fish who needs a little extra medicine.

As a proud owner of multiple betta fish for over a year, I've learned a lot of hard lessons in taking care and owning these fish. One of those hard-learned lessons I'd like to share to betta owners everywhere by writing this review and hoping my experience will save you and your pet pals from unnecessary suffering and money-spending.

I know I did not buy it from Amazon (I could have), but I bought this very same BettaFix Remedy at one of the big-box pet stores (because I was so worried that I thought I needed this remedy immediately). So, please hear me out.

If you're a beginner fish hobbyist or new owner of betta fish (like I was), it's understandable to become alarmed when your pets display tell-tale disease symptoms. PLEASE DON'T WORRY because I've got a solution for ya. Experienced betta fish owners will tell you that there are always significant side effects to your fish when you use pharmaceuticals like BettaFix. I did not know this when I applied BettaFix to two of my bettas who were experiencing fin rotting.

For a week, I was applying the medication HALF of the recommended dosage. I observed that every time I applied BettaFix, my bettas almost immediately became lethargic, sank to the bottom of tanks, and just breathed. They were hungover (for lack of better words) because of the medication side effects. I got suspicious and researched about it online and found out that many mild diseases such as fin rotting can be CURED AS EASY AS CHANGING THE AQUARIUM WATER MORE OFTEN. So, I stopped using BettaFix. Thinking that after a week of using BettaFix with no results but only suffering on my pets, I started changing their aquarium water twice as often, and a week later... Voila! they were completely healed.

Now I'm happy that my bettas are disease-free, but memories of those hard times are reminded every time I watched Lucky (he is one of my bettas who experienced BettaFix). Before BettaFix, he would swim to all corners of his tank and flare at his neighbors like he's ready to fight to death. After BettaFix, Lucky is noticeably less active and aggressive as he once was. Lucky also experienced color change after BettaFix. He used to have a green and black body with cellophane fins. Now he's just green and black. I'm pretty sure that Lucky's pigmentation was somehow changed when he was experiencing BettaFix's side effects.

BettaFix is known as a less strong medication for betta for frayed or torn fins, slimy patches, or fin rotting, comparing to MelaFix for example. So, you have less chances to overdose your pets. But, trying a natural remedy with no side effects is even better.

Don't use an atomic bomb to kill a fly. Try to provide your bettas with cleaner water first and save money. If that doesn't work, then buy one of these medications.

Buy Aquarium Pharmaceuticals BettaFix Remedy 1.7 oz Now

My lovely betta, Pugs, for no reason we can determine, suddenly came down with a severe case of "pop eye." His tank was clean, the water kept fresh. What could we do?

I sought out a "cure" and bought BettaFix with (frankly) little hope that it could help. Three days following the recommended regimen and he is almost completely his old self. The "pop eye" largely gone, and he is again active with a healthy appetite.

This particular malady is not even mentioned in the literature but there it is. Five stars!

Read Best Reviews of Aquarium Pharmaceuticals BettaFix Remedy 1.7 oz Here

Helped heal my Betta's fins to the point they were growing back beautiful and straight. The bottle is small, it only has enough in it for two sessions of fin rot. That could be because I have a 2 gallon tank, and most stores seem to expect people to house their Bettas in three cups of water...

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I left my year old betta, a classroom pet, at home while I went on vacation. The bf did a fine job feeding, but a horrible job cleaning. The betta developed a seriously horrible hole in his side. I had even looked into how to euthanize him ... Flushing was not an option. I bought this stuff, followed directions, and he's now fine. It took a while, but as soon as I saw it was working, which just took a week or so, I was determined to do right by the little guy. A month or so later, the hole is healed over, he's active and colorful again and enjoying life in his tank in my classroom. There's no substitute for keeping water clean, let me just say that, but this stuff certainly worked magic on my poor betta.


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