Marina Betta Pals Kit

Marina Betta Pals Kit, Contemporary ThemeI really wish people would really educate themselves about betta splendens and their housing requirements. These so-called 'betta kits' are not acceptable by any serious aquarist. This tank is clearly too small. A betta fish needs a larger tank that is big enough for a heater to fit inside it. Bettas are tropical fish and they do need a heater to regulate their body temperature and keep them healthy (room temperature water will not help keep a fish heal its fins if it has fin rot or shredded its fins for some other reason). Secondly bettas are intelligent, curious creatures who likes to swim around and through things. This tank does not provide the space for that kind of activiity. With this little prison, er, tank, the fish is just going to sit there and eventually bite its tail due to boredom. If you want to get a betta fish, at least get a medium Kritter Keeper, a mini hyor heater, and a few silk plants and nice bridge for the fish. I wouldn't even use this fish prison for water changes or as a hospital.

Admittedly, I am not a fish purist. I was simply looking for a nice, compact fishtank for my 2.5-year-old to keep a betta in his room. I bought the Marina Betta Pals kit in green from a local box retailer and moved Pickle into his home. He ate, pooped, made bubble nests and was lively. He seemed very happy for the 3 years that he lived there before passing away, in spite of his small domain. My son is now almost 8 and on his second betta who has been with us for 2.5 years now. Again, every indication is that the fish is not unhappy with his surroundings. So yes, this is a small tank, but its small size is a bonus in a kid's room. It is easy to clean, easy to open to feed the fish, and has a lid to protect the fish from our curious cats and random Legos. And the fish just don't appear to be distressed in it.

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I have a hard time understanding why Marina would sell & market a fish tank specifically marketed for Bettas when after researching betta fish it's so clear that this tank size is tiny and cruel to keep a fish in?

I bought this at Petsmart one day when I decided to get a betta for my daughter's birthday present, and I just figured since it was specifically a "Betta kit" that it was humane and an appropriate size for a betta. Unfortunately, upon getting home with my betta tank all set up, I Googled a bit to learn more about this fish and read in several different places (from both professionals, veterinarians, and fish enthusiasts) that a 1/2 gallon betta aquarium is WAY too small and cruel to put the fish in. And after letting the fish live in this aquarium for a few weeks, I know they're right. My fish sits in the corner, facing the corner all day, despite regular cleaning his fins are pulled close to the body, he barely moves except to eat. It's very clear this fish is stressed out.

Finally, I picked up a 1.5 gallon tank and hoping it will help, as well as some natural plants for him to hide behind. Just got it tonight, so we'll see.

But my problem is I just think it's incredibly misleading for Marina to market & sell aquariums for Bettas that they MUST KNOW are TOO SMALL for these beautiful fish to thrive in. My fish survived, sure, but as one professional put it in their article on Bettas: "Surviving and thriving are two very different things." And as for my, I want a happy & healthy fish.

So, shame on you Marina for selling aquariums like this! I'm certain there are many more unaware buyers like myself that assume because the pet store sells it, it must be appropriate for their pet. Very misleading. Great design! But just not enough for even one fish.

And to other buyers, please do your research on bettas before buying. They are beautiful, fun fish. Give them a good life!

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I'm a betta hobbist and I know about all the misconceptions that betta can live in just about anything and it is bogus. This "aquarium" is way too small, betta require atleast one gallon of water and that needs to be cleaned 1-2x weekly atleast. This is probably 1/2 gallon or less meaning you either clean it every day, t hus stressing your betta out and killing it or let is die a slow death from ammonia burns and other ills. This also has no lighting leave betta looking dull and boring, no heating or ability to heat so your house must stay warm where your betta is and it just isn't good. You can also buy large Critter Carriers (2-3 gallons) for the same price or less, it wouldn't be great, but it'd be a heck of a lot better.

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I liked this tank because I don't have a lot of space away at school. It fits one betta fish (no more than one).

There is no room for a filter-but a plant helps with maintaining the oxygen levels and keeping wastes down. I clean up the food my picky betta misses with a net. I also change about a quarter of the water in my tank every 2 days. It has held up really nicely so far. My betta is happy. I wish I had room for toys. Poor guys bored and stares at me half the time :-) lol. I think he needs something to do.

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