Fish Bubble

Fish BubbleThe moment I saw these on Chiasso, I had to have them. But I didn't want to spend $100's on them. This was a perfect purchase! I would NOT recommend using them as fish bowls unless you can clean them out daily. They have no filtration and start to look not so awesome after a few days of fish eating and business-doing! Maybe plants or other non-living decor!

This size is WAY to small for a betta! A betta needs at the minimum of 2.5 gal and does best in 5 gallons +. Also, betta JUMP! Without a cover for the opening at the top, you will find your betta on the floor quickly. You will need to do a water exchange on this tank every two days, or the poor water quality will harm your fishie friend.

DO NOT follow these instructions on cleaning! When you clean you CANNOT USE SOAP! You will kill your fish! No matter how well you rinse, there will always be a residue of soap left on the walls.

I have kept betta fish for over 5 years and breed them. Please follow my advice!

I do see how this could be used for other living things, such as plants. It could be a neat project for children watching root systems grow.

Buy Fish Bubble Now

i am buying this to put plants inside of to add another odd yet modern and awesome thing to my living room. I am more than sure this will be perfect

As for putting a beta in this i would never. Betas DO NOT like to be in such small spaces. I don't know why everyone thinks this. Beats like large, shallow tanks. I own a beta and i gave her a 5 gallon tank all to herself and she swims around like no ones business. If you purchase this for a beat after reading this than you are a cruel person. This is much to small for any living thing (other than a small plant)

Read Best Reviews of Fish Bubble Here

this is horrible. no fish should be put in a "tank" like this. it is far too small to house even one betta, has no way to filter, heat or even light. your fish will likely be sick or dead within weeks if you try to use this. the only real use for this tank would be to grow live aquarium plants to use in a REAL fish tank. remember: fish are friends, not decorations.

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This product is exactly what I expected it to be, in fact it looks much better in person. I didn't use it to place a goldfish but I used it to hold some soil for a vine that I had growing on a wall and it serves the purpose well. The shipping time was only two days. I am very pleased with this product and service=)

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