Buy Cal Pump PW2500 Direct Drive 2500 GPH Waterfall Pump Now
This is the 3rd cal2500 we have purchased over the last 10 years.The price is right and it is so quiet you would never know it was there.
It works great for our pond and waterfall. Our pond is 3ft deep, 12ft across the diameter. We keep the pump on all year except for cleaning so I would expect to replace it in approximately 2 years.
This model did not have the cage around the bottom, but that didn't make a difference to me.
Hope this helps.
Read Best Reviews of Cal Pump PW2500 Direct Drive 2500 GPH Waterfall Pump Here
Just received this pump. I ordered it as a replacement for my existing pond pump. The pump does not have the suction stand/screen that is in the picture one of the reasons I bought it to minimize crud entering the pump. It also is not new it appears to have been disassembled (screwdriver marks at the casing seams along with evidence that some kind of sealant that was used).Want Cal Pump PW2500 Direct Drive 2500 GPH Waterfall Pump Discount?
This pump stopped working after 3 weeks. Save your money and buy a different pump. This one is not worth it.
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