One of my show tanks unavoidably gets indirect sunlight so algae, especially brown algae is a constant battle. Although you can bleach the coral back to a stark whiten tiresome over time and I was looking for something to replace it with. Although I didn't purchase this on Amazon I wish I had as this is significantly less expensive. Non the less, it's a piece worth having if it fits the decor of your tank and you like the look.
I'll be using bendable LED aeration wands underneath the piece for up lighting underneath this piece which will accomplish a few things. The light will cast shadows by illuminating the dark passageways between the roots and "lighten" the overall look of the piece, enhancing the superb and varied colors. The photographs of this Faux Mangrove root don't so it justice at all, and I've seen plenty of them. Rather then a monochrome gray the piece is lush with brown and greenish hues given great depth by black accents.
The size is true to scale as noted and the Large would be fine for most any tank 55 and up. Like most all Deep Blue products this is made of cold cast fresh and salt water safe resin. It's heavy and again, incredibly detailed. It looks EXACTLY like wood. The Deep Blue process as I understand it is that they start with a superior specimen and the artists re-create it to different scales. The look is sensational with absolute realism and you have the satisfaction of knowing our delicate reef and river systems haven't been compromised.
The piece is very stable and stands just fine with one support branch in the back and the front spread of branches and vines supporting the front. It can be used as a corner piece or centerpiece with absolute ease.
when it comes to any of these replicas by Deep Blue I know the price seems excessive. However these are NOT the cheap plastic or ceramic aquarium decorations you usually see. Rather these are very much works of art that will add incredible beauty, dramatic appeal and or interest to bot your tanks and their inhabitants.
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