Jungle TB605W Tank Buddies Ammonia Clear, 8-Tablet

Jungle TB605W Tank Buddies Ammonia Clear, 8-TabletWorked like a charm. I have a saltwater aquarium. I took out a quart of water from the aquarium, dropped one tab per 10 gallons (I have a 30 gallon tank = 3 tabs), let the tabs completely dissolve. Then I added the water back into the tank. The next day I tested zero for ammonia.

This product is a bit more expensive per dose than its peers but I think that it works better. If you want to get rid of your ammonia fast then this is the product that you want. Just remember that this is a temporary fix to ammonia buildup.

Buy Jungle TB605W Tank Buddies Ammonia Clear, 8-Tablet Now

I hate to use these because it's far healthier for my fish if I just do a proper vacuum and water change as scheduled. That said, if I know they'll have to wait a couple more days then I'll go ahead and use these as directed. The fish don't like it and neither do I, but it doesn't seem to harm them either. When I don't use this product they hold up just fine over those couple days' delay, so I truly don't think it's necessary to buy these. When I use it, it's to pretend that I'm doing something constructive for my poor fish but the truth is I've dropped the ball and they're swimming in ammonia because the tank needs a cleaning and dropping these Ammoniea Clear tablets only irritate them in addition to the ammonia-loaded water. I've noticed no noticeable improvement in water appearance or fish health from using these so I don't recommend buying these. I don't plan on buying them again. 2 stars instead of just 1 because I don't HATE these, I just don't like them.

Read Best Reviews of Jungle TB605W Tank Buddies Ammonia Clear, 8-Tablet Here

We almost lost the last 5 fish after losing 2 to the ammonia buildup in the tank. This product came highly recommended and we could not find locally same day so I ordered next day from Amazon and got it in time to save the fish and not have to reset the entire tank. Thanks Alot, my kids appreciate it.

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