Lee's Betta Keeper Large w/Lid, Gravel and Plant

Lee's Betta Keeper Large w/Lid, Gravel and PlantI bought this as a temp home for a betta until I got her a larger living space. it's great for that. I now use it as a hospital tank for my bettas to recover in, w/o gravel it makes medicating easy and travel time to the surface is shorter for the sick fish wich is a plus.

I would never recomend this as a permanent home for a betta. the general rule is 1 gallon for every inch of fish.

My son received a beta as a gift, and when we went to the store to buy an aquarium, the clerk recommended this tank, and also recommended getting a second beta to add. In hindsight, he wasn't looking out for our fish, but for his profit.

Even though betas CAN live in small spaces, I would not recommend it. Even for one beta, this tank is too small. It gets dirty easily and needs to be cleaned once a week, which is an immense stress on the fish. The fake plants provided with the tank don't help with the water quality either.

For now, we moved our beta to a large glass baking bowl, and we are in the process of shopping for a larger tank with an undergravel filter and live plants, plus a heater. I absolutely agree with the other review: If you can't afford a good tank for your fish, don't get one. Betas like space, too.

Buy Lee's Betta Keeper Large w/Lid, Gravel and Plant Now

I don't house my bettas permanently in this, but for water changes and as an isolation tank for any sick bettas, this works wonderfully! If you look at the better breeder websites, (and their barracks photos), no one is housing their bettas in 1 gallon tanks for each inch of betta. That would be a phenomenal waste of their space.

While most 'pet' betta owners have more money, time, and room for better...this product isn't as bad as some people are making it out to be. Has...dunno....maybe about a half gallon of water space? Better than some prettier betta vases I've seen. If this is all you can afford, it is still better than leaving your betta in the pet store container, and your fish will survive just fine as long as you do frequent water changes. Housing two bettas in this is about the same as leaving them in those store containers though. If you're looking for short term temporary housing for multiple bettas, this is fine..if you take into consideration quarantine concerns...as the water is shared.

But, I use mine only for water changes and if one of my 6 bettas gets sick. Easier (and cheaper) to medicate a small bowl versus a larger tank...and works perfectly for what it was purchased for. Just keep the gravel and fake plant out if you have a sick one. Less to sterilize afterwards, and they really don't need those while they're recovering.

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This container is way too small to keep any fish in, let alone two. In such a small container, the fishes' wastes will build up quickly, causing eye and skin irritation, sickness, even death. You can try to reduce the waste build up changing the water frequently, but not only is this a lot of work for you, it is stressful for the fish.

In addition, if you want to keep bettas in a divided tank, there should be decorations for the fish to hide behind when they need a break from flaring at each other. This tank is too small to allow that, another source of stress.

Thirdly, bettas are tropical fish. They need a tank heated to a constant 80F. It is not possible to safely heat a tank that is smaller than 5 gallons.

If you want to get bettas, please read some of the excellent websites available and learn all you can about their care. If you cannot afford a proper tank, please don't get a fish.

Want Lee's Betta Keeper Large w/Lid, Gravel and Plant Discount?

This tank is only suitable for a hospital tank or when doing water changes. It is too small for one Betta, much less two. I used to have a betta in one of these tanks, and then I moved him to a ten gallon tank. He looked so much happier. He flared his fins more and he swam around the whole tank. If you really want to enjoy watching your betta, do not get this tank.

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