I got this divider for my 10 gallon long fish tank that I was going to use for two male bettas, but then decided to divide into three for three male bettas. I had only ordered one from Amazon, which arrived very quickly. Thus, I had to go to a pet store out of town to pick up the SAME THING, because I didn't want to divide into two, then go in and redo it all to divide into three (call me lazy). The dividers were the made by the same manufacturer, the Amazon version was less expensive, but I have to say... The one I got on Amazon is MUCH less flimsy (and I even broke the stabilizer on top on the Amazon one!) and doesn't need to be held up by tank decor at all. The one from the pet store? It has gravel holding it up, rocks, and driftwood supporting it. They were cut to the same size, and had the same general "pieces," but the Amazon by far outshines the other. I have nothing but rave reviews about this. Beyond that, the stabilizer on the Amazon version is a little taller that the one from the LFS something I learned after the fact with horrible results (one of the males jumped over to the other side and fought with the other while I was at work. Definitely would buy again!t

I bought this divider to divide my ten gallon so I could house two male bettas. Now, this divider might work well for other fish, but it is not suited at all for bettas. The mesh screen that comes with this divider is crystal clear and bettas can see straight through it. Before buying this product I had read reviews that this kind of divider is OK because bettas will just flare at each other for a few days, get used to seeing each other and then live peaceably; however, from my experience, the stress this divider creates for bettas is really, REALLY not worth it. I started with two happy bettas and after using this screen for about 4 days I now have two bettas that have stress-induced fin tears. I tested my tank water and there's nothing wrong with it, the problem is that this divider just stressed them out too much. I even tried to prevent my bettas from seeing each other by putting plants next to the screen and replacing the clear screen with plastic canvas but it was no use, they would just swim in and around the plants and flare at each other and they can see through plastic canvas. I finally took one of the bettas out today and put him in a fish bowl and I can only hope that their fins will regrow, but I really would not recommend this divider for betta owners. I will say that the divider itself worked well at keeping the fish apart, it stayed up straight and they didn't jump over the top so I think that if you used this with other sorts of fish it would probably be okay, but just not with two bettas. Now I find myself with two sick fish and out about 10 bucks from buying this divider and I still have to buy another filter and heater to set up my second betta. BETTA OWNERS: Save your money and just buy another tank!
P.S. Of less importance, but I thought I should note it anyways: The plastic tracks that come with this divider are aqua blue and really don't do anything for the look of your aquarium unless you already happened to have an aqua blue color scheme going on. If you're looking for something that will blend in with your tank decor, this won't. It would have looked so much better if the tracks were black or white... it would also have helped if the mesh itself was opaque black instead of clear but I digress...
Buy Penn-Plax® Tank Dividers® for Aquariums Now
the divider works well.. though i replaced the see through plastic with some plastic canvas from an arts and craft store, two layers prevents the bettas i have from seeing each other and getting aggravated. i also used some aquarium safe silicone glue because i couldnt be bothered with the clips that came with it... but works well holding it all together. and if you have fish that dont get aggravated the plastic that comes with it looks to work fine and fit well
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I used this in a 15 gallon tank for moderate tempered bettas and zebra danios (nippy to each other, but mostly would chase). It does a great job of keeping the fish separated, but I found that over the top filtration wasn't quite strong enough to pull waste from the far side of the tank with the tiny, tiny holes. Solution: drill larger holes at the top and bottom, sand the new holes only (those areas will cloud a bit) and rinse. Viola! It works!
Everybody is happy and safe in the tank now!
I wish they didn't use that god awful blue for the edges, and that the clips didn't get in the way of the hood, but at least my little guys & girls are comfortable.
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This is a little difficult to assemble, but works wonderfully at separating my two male bettas. The fish CAN clearly see each other, so if that will be an issue, please consider another product. The other issue is the VIBRANT aquamarine plastic. It's ugly, pure and simple. However, this is easily fixed by running some black electrical tape over the outside of the glass to hide it.
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