IN CONCLUSION: This tank is not cruelty. My fish was lively and making bubble nests when he lived there for three months, but in all honesty, a non-filtered tank requires WAY more maintenance, and if you slack off, you could end up seriously hurting or killing your fish. Ammonia, Nitrates, Nitrites, all things you need to be wary of, and it's so much easier to just get a proper tank, something with a thermostat heater and a filter. Betta need water between 75 and 80 degrees to live comfortably. They are tropical fish.
WALL MOUNTING: Yes, you can screw it to your wall, but then the tank part is removable from the wall mount, making for easy water changes. You do not have to unscrew and remove the whole thing from the wall to change the water. You simply lift the tank off of it's wall mount/stand, do your do, and place it back. SUPER SUPER easy! Props for that, it's the best wall mounted tank money can buy. If you're cool with the constant water changes, then go for it.Betta need at least 2.5 gallons and either need daily or every other day water changes without a filter (really just simpler to get a filter for the tank), and a water temperature between 70 and 80 degrees (so most need a heater). This tank doesn't really allow any of these requirements. Another reviewer said it wasn't cruelty and her betta was happy I sincerely disagree. Her fish may have been happier than it was, but that's because it has only been in breeding tanks (basically the size of this tank) and the cup you get him in from the store. He's happier than he was, but that isn't saying much, and he still won't be very happy in this setup. This allows for next to no decorations, which betta like since they provide hiding places and places to explore. The only thing I'd put in one of these is a marimo moss ball. It isn't worth the money, just look into a better tank setup so your betta can really be happy.
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