Marina Decor Polyresin Cave, Small

Marina Decor Polyresin Cave, SmallUpdate.The Fluval Spec was damaged and was way too small. We bought a 5 gallon aquarium kit locally. The small cave works great. The betta loves it. There has been no fading or chipping or coloring of the water. A great item still.

We just received this cave and it's pretty cool. We haven't received the aquarium yet so I can only comment on the dry cave itself.

The plants were bent from being in the shipping box. A few minutes with the hot setting on my hair dryer fixed that. They are not silk, but a very soft plastic. I see no problem with our betta tearing his fins on it.

The cave is made of very thick resin and it is heavy for its size. The plants are removable if you don't like them. We will leave them on. The bottom is open so placing it should be no problem. The inside of the cave is black to provide a better refuge.

It's relatively large to be labeled as small, but the medium and large versions are huge. The measurements were provided on the Amazon item page so it wasn't a surprise.

This one will be going in a Fluval Spec and it looks to be a perfect fit with a couple 8" silk plants behind it.

I haven't seen any better in this size and price range and we did a great deal of shopping before ordering our new aquarium and equipment. As always, Amazon is a great place to shop.

Good quality material, my Betta loves it! One of the leave snapped off pretty easily during the first washing of it though, but it's not really a big deal. Unlike the other reviews, this item will not cloud your tank. The 'clouding' people experience is due to a bacterial bloom, and can happen when cleaning your tank and adding new water. It clears up in about a week or so, which is why when the reviewer removed the cave days later the cloudiness seemed to go away with the removal of the cave. I'd definitely recommend this to fish lovers though! It looks nice, arrived bubbled wrapped and all, perfect condition, and the fish was in it just hours after putting it in the tank.

Buy Marina Decor Polyresin Cave, Small Now

Perfect size for 2 gallon or larger tanks, fits in with my zen decor and my bettas absolutely love hiding in the caves!

Read Best Reviews of Marina Decor Polyresin Cave, Small Here

My mom has African clawed frogs, the big ones not the mini's. They love to have privacy and hide during the day. These are great, I bought 2 one for each frog. We have them in a 29 gallon tall tank with a big piece of driftwood and some other small plants and there is still plenty of room. They are quite durable and have no chips or paint loss, and there are easy to wash too. I plan on buying a few more for my fish tank for the shy fishies in there.

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My betta is in a 3 gallon tank which gets one water change a week. The next day after adding the cave, the water was very cloudy. I changed the water and cleaned the cave thoroughly with just water, put it back in and the next day the water was cloudy again. Took the cave out, changed water and now the water is clear three days later. I don't know why the cave is clouding the water and if it's harmful to my fish, but I won't be using it again.

Edited to add: The plastic plant is WAY too sharp for any fish and I removed it as soon as I took it out of the box.

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