While aquarists debate and discuss which brand is the best, labs and universities continue to select Instant Ocean for their studies. Instant Ocean is one of the largest makers of marine salt in the world. They know what they are doing. On the other end of the spectrum you have true hand-made marine salt. I have made marine salt in a lab. I used 100% super purity chemicals and salts. It was a lengthy process and very expensive. We used the salts for years and also compared the tanks to Instant Ocean salts. There was no difference in the tanks. The lab no longer makes marine salt. It was easier to buy Instant Ocean.

I've been keeping marine aquariums, including reef tanks, for seven years now. That's not a terribly long time but it means I've done a ton of water changes by now ;). Even with all of these new special "reef salts", I still use regular Instant Ocean. The brand has been around for a long time and is therefore well tested and reliable. I often hear of issues with other salts, including IO's Reef Crystals, but good ol' regular Instant Ocean mixes clearly and without wacky water parameters every time. In addition to using it in my own tanks, I've always chosen to use this brand in the lab (marine ecology research) and it's the choice of most scientists.
Buy Instant Ocean Sea Salt Now
This salt worked great in my little aquarium and you can not beat the value. One of the best brands of salt about.
Read Best Reviews of Instant Ocean Sea Salt Here
It never fails. Easy to mix (1/2 cup for a gallon of water). The brand has been around for a long time, so I think the product is well tested and well used.
Want Instant Ocean Sea Salt Discount?
It was shipped quickly. It comes with 4 bags inside. I have a 135 gallon tank and I do a 10 percent water change every week. One bag typically last roughly a month.
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