I bought this [new] from a different website and installed it per the instructions. It is intended to keep a birdbath full, and it seemed to work right away, but the next morning the float was under water, and the birdbath was overflowing. The problem turned out to be a bad seam [the float is made in parts and glued together], and it filled with water. I contacted the distributor, and they sent me a replacement which worked ok. For over $ [incl. shipping] though, this is not a good value, even though customer service was good. There are others out there that are less expensive and just as good if not better.

I have been using this for our RO-DI unit and it's been working like a charm for about a year. However, now it's not functioning anymore and I need to replace it. Perhaps for the price this should have been as long they would have lasted.
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