Jardin Aquarium Fish Tank Battery Powered Portable Air Pump

Jardin Aquarium Fish Tank Battery Powered Portable Air PumpKept my fish alive during Superstorm Sandy. We had no power for over a week, and this little thing kept bubbling away. We ran it 24 hours a day and it only needed one battery change mid-way. We have a 20 gallon with about 11 fish. It runs fairly quiet compared to a previous pump that I had.

It came with air line tubing and an air stone in case you need one. Nice to have that bonus.

The plastic case isn't the highest quality I have ever seen in a product, but the batteries fit in, the case closed and the pump worked, so hard to complain for less than $10.00!

the best thing about this battery powered air pump is that it is cheep but it gets the job done i am glad that i got 3 of these pumps i have a 125 gallon tank with 3 full grown oscars in it this past year we had a power outage for 12 days and this pump kept them all alive one more comment for those that would like a light on your tank they make something that you plug your light into it will run it for about 24 hours but the batteries for it are nt cheep like $12 for just one

Buy Jardin Aquarium Fish Tank Battery Powered Portable Air Pump Now

No complaints about this product, and not much to add to my title. I had to drive from Northwest Indiana to Kissimmee Florida (a good 17 hour drive, NOT including the periodic rest stops and gas stations) and this was one of 3 pumps I had going for my 3 containers of fish. As I said, this thing kept trucking along the entire trip, even well after we arrived to our destination. I'm not sure how much longer it would have lasted, but all I know is, it was STILL going when I decided to just put new batteries in while I kept the fish in their bins while I caught some zzz's.

Great product. Great reliability.

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I didn't know what to expect when I bought this unit. I wanted it for a portable live bait pail. It works, but it's noisy and I'm not sure how it's going to hold up over time. The plastic is kind of thin and the battery contacts are as low quality as they could be made and still work.

We'll see...

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We just moved across three states. A total of 15 hours drive time and it was awful.

Breaking down along the side of the road. Getting stuck in traffic for hours. 15 rats, 3 dogs, 1 cat and two buckets full of fish. This little thing saved my fishes life... And my sanity.

I have three fancy goldfish. One which, if she does not have constant oxygen, she will die. No ifs,ands,or buts. So when I saw this, I jumped on it.

I only purchased one, then I also bought some airline splits. When it arrived, I didn't think much of it. A plastic box, woo.

However this little plastic box put out enough air to keep 50 guppies and 3 very large, very impatient, fancy goldfish swimming for 15 hours.

It says it takes 2 D batteries, but will run on only one if emergencies pop up. (Like your dog takes off through an auto-zone parkinglot and you jump out and knock this little bad boy off the bucket and batteries go flying towards a ditch... For example.)

Love this thing, will be purchasing another one!


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