Microbe-Lift NiteOutII for Home Aquariums

Microbe-Lift NiteOutII for Home Aquariums, 16-OunceI'm generally having problem with my tanks being dirty due to the set ups I choose. I've tried a number of filter innoculants and comparable products, but never had anything work as fast as NiteOut II. This thing truly cycles your tank, my NO2 levels have dropped from >5ppm to 0 in 2 days. You don't have to smear it on the media, or marinade the media in it; just throw it in the tank, and that's that.

I read some other reviews here, stating that the water clouds up, I didn't ever have this problem. The solution itself is completely clear and odorless.

I have been using the M-L NiteOutII for 2 months now. My fish are doing great. They look healthy and happy. Now, I always wonder whether the results would have been the same with a natural tank cycling without adding nitrifying bacteria from a bottle. All I can say is that I have no complaints about the M-L NiteOutII. My fish are doing just fine.

Buy Microbe-Lift NiteOutII for Home Aquariums Now

I wrote this review also under Nite Out II's sister product, Special Blend, and am copying it here because the 2 products go hand in hand.

My buddy Bubba died. Bubba was a 13 inch King Kong Red Parrot Cichlid that was like a dog in a tank. When he died, I didn't wanted another fish right away so my tank sat empty for well over a year and was an eyesore. I finally decided to set the tank back up, but I was not in the mood to wait a month to achieve a good cycle with some silly goldfish or something. I went to my favorite aquarium shop and asked them what I could use to obtain a fast cycle...and NO I don't want that CYCLE stuff they sell at Petco. Without hesitation, the freshwater guru reached behind the counter and gave me 2 things. He gave me Special Blend and he gave me Nite Out II by the same company. (I posted a link for Special Blend below) He said they need to be used in conjunction to achieve a full cycle, and the dosing instructions are very clear on the bottle. He stressed that you MUST SHAKE THEM. This is basically a bottle of bacteria which tends to settle on the bottom of the bottle. No shake, no results. Read, read, read the bottle. It tells you to shake, tells you to keep the lights off for about 72 hours so that the light does not interfre with the bacteria's life cycle before they can establish and it tells you to use the Special Blnd on certain days and the Nite Out every other day. OH...and hold your nose. The rotten egg stink on the Special Blend will make your hair stand on end, but goes away quickly. Nite Out II is odorless. Anyway....within 2 weeks I had a gorgeous cycle. Ammonia, zero. Nitrites, zero. Nitrates, acceptable. Water, clear. I adore this stuff. I use it after gravel cleaning, water changes or filter media swaps and the beneficial bacteria seems to be healthy and active in doing their job. I did a little research on this company because I had never heard of them before, but it seems they have been in the pond industry for quite some time and just recently broke into the home aquarium market. And they mean business. They are not fooling around. I don't think I have ever seen a cycle occur so quickly.

LINK TO SPECIAL BLEND: Microbe-Lift Special Blend for Home Aquariums, 16-Ounce


Read Best Reviews of Microbe-Lift NiteOutII for Home Aquariums Here

I decided to try a soil substrate in my previously cycled tank and the ammonia shot up to the point that I had to do 2-3 water changes every day just to keep the ammonia under 1ppm. Even then, hours later, it would be climbing again. Apparently the gravel I topped the soil with was not a fine enough grain to seal the soil in well enough to slow down the ammonia from reaching the water column. I put sand on top of the gravel and started adding this product to my tank. Without any water changes, my ammonia dropped to .50 and stayed there. I couldn't believe it! For the first time in 2 weeks I went a whole day whitout a water change. I added another capful on day 2 and my ammonia dropped to .25. I did a 20% water change and now my ammonia is almost at 0. The sand helped, but the Microb-lift is what really stabilized my water. This stuff is the real deal!

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Brought down Ammonia Levels from more than 6ppm to less than 1ppm. It has been a week and am continuing to use it. I have a 10 gallon tank with 5 comet goldfish, 4 red platy and 2 electric green glo fish. The water is crystal clear as well.

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