Coralife 00232 Digital Thermometer

Coralife 00232 Digital ThermometerI bought this for accuracy but it isn't really. I went online and found a ton of blogs where people were going off on this thermometer. Basically everyone was saying how it was always showing a cooler temp than the tank actually was. Everyone was "cooking" their fish and or plants because they kept turning up their heaters to compensate. Be careful. I bought four different mercury thermometers to test this out. They all read warmer temperatures than the digital one was showing.

All the blogs I found started from around 3 to 4 years ago to present. I guess the company hasn't quite got the quality control corrected yet. Some people's digital thermometers were way more off than mine. Some people said they bought several more and kept getting incorrect readings.

Mine always showed 2 degrees cooler than was the actual temperature. Be careful. Be warned.

This is the most inaccurate thermometer I have ever used.

I own 4 of these and they are all at least 4 degrees off from each other, most are 7 degrees off.

I actually have two of these on the same aquarium for the past 2 months and they read as follows right now:

One on the right corner: 73.4

One on the left corner: 77.8

You decide how good these are and if you want to chance it. Me, I'm replacing mine with something a lot more reliable.

If you are used to using something like the stick on ones on your freshwater aquarium this will be fine. If you have a saltwater reef system like I do you will not be happy with it at all.

Buy Coralife 00232 Digital Thermometer Now

I bought this thermometer for my reef tank about 4 years ago and find it to be extremely inaccurate. I've experienced the same problem with the thermometer as others have already commented; lower than actual temperature readings. It wouldn't be that much of a problem if the difference between the actual temperature and what is displayed were constant but it's not. There are wild swings in the temperature reading. Right now, the actual temperature in my tank is 82F but what is displayed is 72.1F almost a 10 degree difference. Yesterday it was reading around 78F. I have two other thermometers in my tank and they are reading the same temperature +/0.1 degree. I can't figure out what makes the coralife have such varying temperature readings since it's been in the same location in the tank from day one and I have one of my other thermometers no more than an inch away and that one reads accurately. Bottom line, don't buy it but if you do decide to purchase this product, compare the temperature reading with another thermometer for a week or two.

Read Best Reviews of Coralife 00232 Digital Thermometer Here

The probe side suction cup doesn't stay where I put it in the tank and keeps coming off. So the probe just floats in the middle of the tank...not fun. The off button is a pain also. This is a poorly designed thermometer and I would not recommend it to others. I will look for a better one for my tank.

Want Coralife 00232 Digital Thermometer Discount?

I just purchased this thermometer, and it is a full 5 degrees off! I have 2 other thermometers and they are matching each other, thank goodness, otherwise I'd be cooking my fish right now. Bad product.

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