Danner 02519 Mag Drive Model 1.9 190 GPH Statuary Pond Pump with 10-Foot Cord

Danner 02519 Mag Drive Model 1.9 190 GPH Statuary Pond Pump with 10-Foot CordI purchased this as a replacement for one that failed after a short time. I was trying to replace with the same pump, but that was a mistake, because the new one has already failed too. Poor design!

The problem is with the little plastic shaft and its cog that engages a cog in the shaft sleeve of the impeller. There is play and *they do not fully mesh*, so after a month or two, the plastic sleeve just breaks from wear and the impeller stops spinning. I found that I could put the pieces together with a dose of superglue (making the whole assembly solid) and that got the broken pumps to work... for now, but there is no way I can recommend this pump. Be forewarned!

This went from super loud to broke in a matter of 3 days. This product blows harder than a humback whale coming to the surface after hours under the water.

Buy Danner 02519 Mag Drive Model 1.9 190 GPH Statuary Pond Pump with 10-Foot Cord Now

I bought this pump 2 years ago. The impeller failed after one year the ridges on the shaft had worn down. I replaced it for about $12. After 10 months the replacement also failed. I bought another one, and it failed after 3 months. I glued the rotor blade to the impeller and it worked for a while. Now the motor has failed. Poor design. Not recommended.

By comparison, I had bought a larger Little Giant pump (1150 gph)for a larger pond, and it has been running without problems for more than 10 years!

Read Best Reviews of Danner 02519 Mag Drive Model 1.9 190 GPH Statuary Pond Pump with 10-Foot Cord Here

Very good pump for our front fountain....I put it in a filter bag to keep it from clogging.

Want Danner 02519 Mag Drive Model 1.9 190 GPH Statuary Pond Pump with 10-Foot Cord Discount?

I have this pump and I have replaced the impeller every 6months since 2007. The replacement part cost as much as a new pump. POOR quality don't waste your $$$.

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