I like that this product is not as harsh a treatment as the wide-spectrum antibiotic preparations that people too often use for fish diseases. While it seems natural to reach for strong microbials when your fish are sick, it can stress out your fish even more, making things worse. QuICK Cure cures ich without resorting to antibiotics.
As with all ich treatment regimes, this works better if you raise the aquarium temperatures and keep the hood lights off. That will help speed along the ich parasite's life cycle and keep your fish in a quiet healing state.
Other caveats you have to remove the carbon from your aquarium filters before adding the treatment drops, or it won't work at all.
You will need to use the smaller recommended dose with tetras. Thin-skinned fishes, like the catfishes, botias and loaches must actually be removed, since the malachite green in the medication is too readily absorbed and becomes toxic to them.
QuICK Cure comes in a small dropper squeezy container. A 4 oz bottle treats thousands of gallons, which is a lot of ich. In other words, this one product should last your lifetime! Remember not to over-treat; use only the amount recommended per gallon. This product will turn your water blue and will dye anything else it touches. Be careful not to let this stuff touch you too much, since formalin is a cancer-causing agent.
If you have a big ich infestation, I recommend using this medication. Make sure to use it correctly, of course! For a small ich outbreak, you might want to just try high temps, no lights and massive water changes first.This product KILLED my Betta OVERNIGHT.
I bought this my Betta who was suffering from Ich. I read all the instructions and warnings, and followed them to the letter. My poor fish seemed happier when I put him in the new, treated water, and after a few hours (I went to the grocery store) it seemed that the parasites were in fact coming off. As I went to bed, I noticed his fins were a little black at the edges, and thought that maybe it was fin rot, in which case I would buy more medication for him the next day. This morning I woke to find my Betta completely chemically burned. His fins were entirely black, and I wasn't able to save him. The chemical burn was so bad, that it continued to burn him after I put him in fresh water. He died within 15 hours of using this product.
I did some online searching, turns out, Formalin (#1 ingredient in this product), is highly toxic to Bettas, and I should have only let him be in the solution for a max of 1 hour. Wish that had been on the warning label (It says "Do not use on Baby Whales, Elephant Nose, Shrimps, Snails, living rocks or invertebrates.")
Don't buy this for your Betta. It is a slow and miserable deterioration. I am sure that this product works well for other fish, and customer service was very nice, but please, don't kill you Betta.
Buy Mardel Quick-Cure Aquarium Treatment, 4-Ounce Now
I am by no means an aquarium expert. When my son noticed our Oscar fish was covered with little white dots, I simply googled "little white dots on fish", I came to the diagnosis of Ick. I went to my local pet store and asked them what's best for ick, and they told me they use Quick Cure in their own tanks.Within 1 week of use, my fish are clear of all signs of ick. Needless to say we're very happy, and I would definitely recommend this product. It's cheap, easy, and it works.
Read Best Reviews of Mardel Quick-Cure Aquarium Treatment, 4-Ounce Here
After reading the other review saying it killed the reviewer's betta fish overnight, I decided not to try this product and instead use the heat and salt method. However, after a couple of days without improvement and more research, I found that this formula malachite green and formalin is actually very commonly recommended for use with betta fish. I went ahead and bought this product, and now, six days later, my betta fish is completely healed! I decided to treat the maximum length of time because I waited so long to start treatment, but I probably could have stopped treating after three days. I just wanted to be extra sure that there would be no re-infection, and so far, so good!Unfortunately, I think there must have been another issue with the other reviewer's betta fish, as mine has reacted very well to the treatment. I can highly recommend this medicine to knock out ich quickly!
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I had a very minor outbreak of Ich (only a couple of fish had any signs at all) so I was fortunate to catch it early. I medicated at half strength for 5 days which killed all the Ich in the tank. I also turned the heat up gradually over 2 days to 85 degrees and left it hotter than usual for about a week. The heat helps to kill the Ich larvae.
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