This Co2 inline diffuser has no issues at all. The other customer's Co2 must have been leaking and not keeping pressure. I use a standard 5lb Catalina aluminum Co2 cylinder with an Aquatek of California regulator and NEVER experience any issue. It is running through an Eheim classic 2211. The outtake hose on this filter is too small so I have it installed at the very top of the intake as it comes out of the aquarium. By the time the intake reaches the canister filter the bubbles are completely dissolved and it does not make the canister run loud because there are no bubbles. If you run it on the outtake into the aquarium you will still see a mist or sometimes get bubbles in the tank. This never happens if you install it on the filter intake. It is just as good as a Co2 reactor, actually better because it doesn't reduce your flow like an inline Co2 reactor will and you don't have to have an extra pump like you do with hang-on-back Co2 reactors. I highly recommend this. And I am a professional aquascaper! It runs completely silent as well.

Required almost 80psi to even diffuse....not sure if that is the design, but simple aquarium CO2 systems do not need to run that high.
Buy U.P. Aqua Inline Co2 Atomizer System Now
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