I have a 40 gallon reservoir that I am trying to hold around 70 Degrees. The temperature controller keeps it within 2 degrees and seems to work very efficiently.Finnex is my go-to brand for heaters, having purchased and used many of them for breeding and raised saltwater fish plus all of their live feed. I...
Finnex 150-Watt Hang-On Electronic Controller Aquarium Heater, Titanium Tube, 30 to 60-Gallon
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on Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Super Pet My First Home Tank Topper
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I'm really surprised that large chain stores don't carry this product. This is the best housing solution for Syrian hamsters we've found in years of looking. Combine this with a $10 glass aquarium and its the cheapest as well. Plastic "...trail" products are not durable, are a pain to assemble and hard to...
JBJ Half Moon Biotope Nano 180 8 Gallon Aquarium
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I purchased four of these for my betta fish. It's a great size tank. Very attractive but with most desk top filters the motors make a little too much noise. I live in a studio so I need it quiet. I had to go through the trouble of returning them all.I upgraded to a 16 gallon Aqueon bow front tanks (purchased...
Exo Terra Allglass Terrarium
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I did not order this terrarium from Amazon.com but I do own this specific one and I love it! PROS: My pacman frog has called this terrarium home for about 2 years now. It is very beautiful and alluring. The terrarium is made very well and the glass doors are very convenient. Decorating the terrarium is actually...
Vibra-Flo® Air Pump; Mini
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I'm using it in a 10 gallon tank and it perfectly fulfills its purpose. It aerates the tank, but doesn't create too much of a current which was my intent. With bigger, stronger pumps the current was bubbling too much like boiling water. Regarding the noise it's like any other pump. I've never had one that's quiet....
Como 14 Pcs Emulational Heart Style Leaves Flower Decor Plants for Fish Tank
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You wont go wrong with these bulk aquarium plants. You wont know the difference to name branded product except in pricing! Warning however DO soak these in water with water treatment such as aquasafe as they have a tremendous chemical aroma. I let mine soak overnight in my water change bucket with some aquasafe...
AA Aquarium 3 Watt Mini Green Killing Machine Internal UV Sterilizer-AAUV3W
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on Monday, December 30, 2013
Over the past few months I have added pressurized CO2 to two of my planted aquariums, and the result has been significant plant growth, however, quite a bit more algae growth as well.As such, green water has become an issue when it never was before.The pressurized CO2 goes a long way to adding to this problem,...
Python No Spill Clean and Fill Aquarium Gravel Tube Extension, 20-Feet
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Moved from an apartment to a house and my 25 foot python would not reach to the new sink. Bought the 20 foot extension and all is good.It hooks up easy and works.It's an extension hose. What else can you say? LOL! Seriously though, if you're still cleaning your aquarium the old fashioned way, stop. Get a Python....
Hollow Log Ornament
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Our red tailed shark absolutely loves this log. It lets him come and go both ways and keep an eye out thru the extra hole, he did swim out that way once to check it out. It looks very natural and is a perfect fit in our 56 gal aquarium. If you place it towards one end of the aquarium, you can use the reflection...
Exotic Environments Incan Vase Aquarium Ornament, Small
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I have this ornament in a 10 gallon freshwater tank. I prefer an ornament to a the focal point amongst plants and driftwood, but not overbearing. I would not personally recommend it for a smaller size tank, as I feel it would be a little too large. That being said, I'm very happy with it. I was looking for...
AquaClear 20 Foam
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These must do some good since every time I take it out, it is full of goop. I can usually do a rinse out for one time but the next time I replace it. I like buying the three pack since it is less expensive and more convenient to have a couple extra on hand when I'm doing a water change. This single pack doesn't...
ClearFree® Premium Undergravel Aquarium Filters
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I really like undergravel filters for filtration. It's old school tech and if you go with some plants, it will fertilize them. I've had systems setup where I didn't have to change water for 6 months because of the balance between plants and the filter. Just topping off. Just beware of some of the colored...
biOrb Scratch Remover Polish Accessory Pack
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on Sunday, December 29, 2013
I got a magnetic cleaner and it scratched the bajeebus out of my tank. One packet was more then enough to remove all of the scratches. I didn't think it would be possible to get them out. While I don't think it would do much good for deep gouges, it did an excellent job of removing small surface ones.Scratches...
10 - 20 Gallon Fish Tank Power Filter
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When I first got the filter it had a hole in the container part. I Email the company and they shipped other one back. This project is easy to use and costumer services is great.I bought this for a turtle tank. Filter works well but runs a little loud, it's good for the price.Buy 10 - 20 Gallon Fish Tank Power...
Penn Plax Striped Sail Shipwreck Fish Tank Ornament Decoration
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Very poorly designed. Pieces did not fit together without modification. Very disappointed in product for the price. Will not buy again!Beautiful in my son's red, white and blue bedroom! Does not look cheap, at all. This item would cost at least $80.00 in any petstore near where I live.Buy Penn Plax Striped...
EcoPlus Submersible Pump - 132 gph - 4.3 ft. max - 9W - 3/8 in. ID
Posted by
The pump sent is not the pump pictured. Also, the end of the pump wont stay on the unit. Steer clear of this one...Bought this as a replacement for a small fountain. The rise is about 2 feet, and I have to keep the pump dialed back to about 20% flow to keep it from going too fast, so there's plenty of power....
Eshopps Jellyfish Purple and Yellow Aquarium Ornaments
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they look like crap in my tank, they have fishing line tied to s suction cup and they dont more around at all look like crap and a big waste of moneyThe video for these shows them fluorescing under actinic light. The 2 I received glow (slightly) in the dark, but do not fluoresce.Buy Eshopps Jellyfish Purple and...
YML Aquarium Net Breeder, Medium
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I love the the size and every thing seems to fit well enough. Although there were no instruction and nothing to go by. So I had to go on the internet to see what it should look like also one of the suction cups were broken. I mght by another one if it holds up.Update: my original 4 stars is now 2 because it does...
Undergravel Filter - 30 or 40H Gallon - 36 in. x 12 in.
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Forget about those cotton filters, cascade or any other kind of mechanical filter. This filter works just like mother nature do when cleaning is required. Keep in mind that once the biological sustrate is formed under the filter, you'll have trillions of working bacterias doing the cleaning for you.Everywhere...