Forget about those cotton filters, cascade or any other kind of mechanical filter. This filter works just like mother nature do when cleaning is required. Keep in mind that once the biological sustrate is formed under the filter, you'll have trillions of working bacterias doing the cleaning for you.

Everywhere we went, we could not find ONE PIECE undergravel filter plates.....good grief...those blue ones you have to put together....geesh....I love this company and I love their one piece product,,,,,,
Buy Undergravel Filter - 30 or 40H Gallon - 36 in. x 12 in. Now
I never change water. I have an under powered filter and an under gravel filter driven by a power head.
My water stays completely clear. It works much better with a power head than air.
Read Best Reviews of Undergravel Filter - 30 or 40H Gallon - 36 in. x 12 in. Here
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