Buy Seachem Stability 500ml Now
I have used this product multiple times to start quarantine tanks and hospital tanks (marine tanks, with both fish and coral.) It works; it's worked every time. I've never had my tanks spike ammonia or nitrite when using this product as directed. I'm amazed how many websites & forums claim that no such product exists. Also, the reviewer who says that you have to keep using it is wrong, for so many reasons (the bacteria don't get used up and die, they multiply, just like all bacteria, and also, all of the bacteria that would normally be in your tank if you cycle the traditional way will also still exist in the tank.) I've never used the product beyond 7 days, not even with water changes, and my tanks have never "crashed" when I stopped using this. I would, however, consider stocking the tank lightly, and gradually building up stock.Read Best Reviews of Seachem Stability 500ml Here
This product has worked for me and the people I know who use it. Whether it's for starting a new tank or for use after killing the bacteria bed when medicating a tank. I've seen it cull a nitrite spike and keep new tank syndrome from happening. For larger tanks, a bottle wouldn't last long, but it's definitely worth it. I mean, who wants to wait to start a tank, or who wants to watch their fish die from ammonia or nitrite poisoning. So I would get a 500 mL bottle if you have anything bigger than a 20 or 29 gallon. That way you'll have some to start the tank and some later on, just in case. I've only seen it used for freshwater aquariums.Want Seachem Stability 500ml Discount?
I have been using Stability as a backup for quite some time. I think it is good at providing bacteria that help process waste that settles on the bottom. Great compliment to the regular nitrifying bacteria that grow in the ordinary course.UPDATE: 09/22/2012 Still using Stability every time I do a partial water change and I've never had a problem. I just meaure the correct amount in the cap and give the tank a shot. I really think it helps.
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