I purchased two of these TLF reactors so that I could run them in series. I decided to run D-Nitrate in One and Activated Carbon in the other to try and bring the Nitrate/Nitrite numbers down in my 75 gallon ref. To early to tell yet whether these two have actually reduced my numbers, but there is no doubt that the water in the tank is now more crystal clear than before. Is it the carbon in the reactor along with less feeding that is clearing up the water cloumn, or is it just the fact that the Reef is now more mature than it was before this installation? Only time will tell how effective these are in reducing the Nitrate level in the reef. As for hooking them up in series, they do require some minor engineering and plumbing alterations, but if you are adpt at working with a refugium, and a somewhat sophisticated sump, this should be a piece of cake. I say should because I have a great plumbing supply house nearby, with a great salesman who will stop at nothing to keep the number of pieces in play to get this running at a minimum. If you only have a Lowes or Home Depot nearby, or a good hardware store, you can generally find the necessary items there to accomplish the task. I would have rated these a 5 "Star" item had I found the inclusion of the necessary plumbing parts included in the original packaging. As far as bang for the buck is concerned, these certainly meet that criteria and i would highly reccommend them to other mixed reef keepers looking to inexpensively add Phosphate or nitrate reactors to their systems.

This is a very useful product that helps me to bring the phosphate problem under control, finally. I use it on my 44 gal aquarium for a month now and it is still taking out all of the phosphate. However, it should be noticed that it will require some experience and skill level on getting this unit prepqred, particularly the initial backwash portion. I used a T connector to hook it up to a Maxijet 1200 pump and use a reducer on the outlet end of the T to create some back-pressure. This way I can use the same pump to provide both circulation (in the aqaurium) and enough flow to go through this Phosphate Reactor. I set this up in a sink and backwash the reactor with tap water (no PO4 in the tap here in Seattle) and ran it for at about 30 minutes to get rid of the fines as much as possible before I transfer it to the aquarium. Getting the right flow rate for an ideal fluidized bed could be tricky, but doable. I would not recommend using salt water from the tank for backwash and flow adjustment, wasting valuable salt.
Buy Two Little Fishies ATLPBR150 GFO PhosBan Reactor 150 Now
Just like other reviews say, it does exactly what it says it does in a durable fahion. Evenly pass water through your phosphate media to get rid of of phosphates and ultimately control algae. Very happy with mine. NOt sure what they recommend but I use a maxi jet 400 pump for mine on my 90 gal tank so that water passes through it slowly.
Read Best Reviews of Two Little Fishies ATLPBR150 GFO PhosBan Reactor 150 Here
Have had one of these in use for about 3 years. No problems. Works great to control algae.
Want Two Little Fishies ATLPBR150 GFO PhosBan Reactor 150 Discount?
The cost of buying 3 of these is the same as one of the more High class reactors. This comes with everything you need except for the pump.
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